Thursday, November 21, 2019

Prostitution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Prostitution - Research Paper Example But practically, a prostitute that stands at the corner of the street waiting for someone to pick her up for few dollars a night is of the same value as another who spends the night with a john in a seven star hotel. However, there may be significant difference in the psychological effects of prostitution upon a woman that enjoys the sex as much as john does and another that does the sex because she has no option otherwise. Prostitutes that voluntarily engage in this business are empowered by the postmodern view. Nevertheless, prostitutes engaged in the commercial sex business are more susceptible to the risk of trauma than the rest. Many high class prostitutes become mentally unstable. The dissociation of these high class prostitutes to being commoditized as an object is a coping technique for traumatic stress. The impact of the oppression upon the high class prostitutes needs to be considered on the social as well as the clinical level. The continued mistreatment that the high clas s prostitutes have to see on a daily basis increases their susceptibility to the traumatic psychopathologies. Many high class prostitutes acquire the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which commonly results from witnessing terrifying events like injury or death. PTSD inculcates fear in the patient. Many patients of PTSD get into the social exclusion. More experienced high class prostitutes are more at risk of acquiring the PTSD. ... The johns want these prostitutes to have acquired college level education in addition to be attractive and smart. The 40s and 50s year old johns have all the money and assets one could ask for, and thus are able to afford keeping the high class prostitutes with them. These prostitutes are basically middle class women whose actual profession is something else, but they need money to excel into their main profession, and this money comes from the prostitution. Most escort agencies advertise through the internet, and the most expensive and beautiful prostitutes don’t even need that much of advertising. They are approached by the wealthiest johns through private channels. Prostitutes are driven by their craze for materialism. Many of them are given an extra tip along with the payment as an encouragement for being a prostitute. Ultimately, every prostitute is in search of a sugar daddy who would support her so much financially that she would not even need to sell her body to everyb ody afterwards. However, the prostitutes cannot survive the restricted lifestyle that the possessive sugar daddies have to offer them, and thus ultimately such relationships distort. Popular culture is the fundamental promoter of the women’s image as sex objects. These prostitutes overtly confess the lower status of their gender than the men who buy them and use them. The johns are married people complaining that their own wives are unavailable to them for satisfying their cravings for sex for one reason or another. They seek temporal refuge in the prostitutes, but then get addicted to them. The high class prostitutes use Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) as a coping mechanism to adjust

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